With dates for your convenience.
- 12/3/2024
- Increased table padding by 1px
- Removed unneeded CSS property for tables
- Fixed info icon being aligned improperly in tables
As this change is purely CSS and does not change the contents of any pages, no Page Versions will be modified
- 11/19/2024
- Updated announcement
- Fixed navigation bar not collapsing at the proper screen size
- 11/8/2024
- Removed announcement
- 11/2/2024
- Updated announcement
- Various CSS fixes
- Most are ensuring even spacing between certain parts on the home page. At some point I need to redo my CSS file again. When that will be though, I don't know.
- Updated Fun Fact
- 10/26/2024
- Updated announcement
- Updated Fun Fact
- Removed unused files
- 9/2/2024
- Updated announcement
- Re-added Course Hero
- Updated Fun Fact
- Targeted sections now flash twice
- Targeted rows in tables no longer stay highlighted
- Targeted rows in tables now flash twice
- Added Cash App to Donation page
- 5/29/2024
- Removed Webpage Design Contest announcement from home page
- Added Summer announcement to home page
- Updated Expires On dates for ChatGPT
- Updated ChatGPT link to use the new URL
- Updated ChatGPT link to enable temporary chats by default
- Added new information to the Other section of the ChatGPT page
- Re-added GPTZero to Accounts
- It does benefit from a subscription, but it still has free capabilities
- Removed the duplicate 4/12/2024 changelog entry
- Slight changes to easter eggs two and three
- Fixed Screensize page not showing screensize
- 4/25/2024
- Added Webpage Design Contest announcement to home page
- Added Contest page
- Made link colors slightly lighter
- 4/22/2024
- Navigation bar now stacks and centers links on smaller screens to prevent overflow
- Added Tetris link to navigation bar
- Adjusted spacing between first section and navigation bar
- Targeted sections now flash green on all pages
- Targeted sections no longer have a green border and glow
- Adjusted spacing below section titles
- Adjusted spacing between text (standalone text, not lists) in sections
- First rule now shrinks and becomes bold on smaller screen sizes
- Added space between list contents for readability
- Increased left indention of sub-lists
- Renamed Fact section to Fun Fact
- Updated fun fact
- Centered notice text on Chegg page
- Centered table on Donate page
- Renamed "Course Hero Trio Subscription" to "Course Hero Trio"
- Removed pricing for 20 Course Hero Unlocks
- Centered info image in Donate table
- Added custom tooltip to Donate table info image
- Adjusts to top of info picture and hides arrow on smaller screens
- "latest" tag on Changelog page moves to bottom right on smaller screens to prevent overlap
- The first easter egg no longer appears on smaller screens for real this time
- First easter egg reveal animation works again
- Second and third easter egg positions moved
- Updated contents of the second easter egg
- Shrank first and third easter egg page contents to better fit small screens
- Added Screensize page
- If something is displaying wrong/broken, use this to find your screen size. I need the screen size to create a fix without breaking the layout on other screen sizes.
- Can be visited by going to instead of scrolling down to this changelog entry
- 4/12/2024
- Info buttons no longer go over the navigation bar when scrolling
- Custom tooltips no longer appear over info buttons
- Custom tooltips no longer appear on smaller screen
- Navigation bar now adjusts on smaller screens to prevent overflow
- Finally figured out how to center the navigation bar links (they were off by 1px)
- Added two more easter eggs
- Removed "Where to next?"
- 4/9/2024
- Added reminder regarding school and non-school emails
- Will be removed tomorrow (4/10/2024)
- Vertically centered info buttons
- Removed default tooltips on info buttons
- Added custom tooltips on info buttons
- Looks bad on screens smaller than what I work on (i.e. chromebooks), but I'm close to learning responsive designs though so won't be for too long
- Removed a navigation bar link from the changelog page that wasn't supposed to be there
- 4/5/2024
- Navigation bar is now set to a fixed height
- Added an easter egg
- Updated Fact
- Fact section now has a submissions link
- 3/25/2024
- Changed Donate button hover effect
- Added slight delay to all hover effects
- Added notice of upcoming long-term improvements
- 3/22/2024
- If referenced Changelog entry is latest, page no longer scrolls down
- Page now scrolls smoothly to referenced section
- 3/19/2024
- Added Changelog button to navigation bar
- Adjusted Changelog Title section spacing
- Adjusted Changelog date visual style
- Referenced Changelog entry is now highlighted
- Referenced Changelog entry is no longer covered by navigation bar
- 3/5/2024
- Changed "Expires on" accounts table header to "Expires"
- Changed "N/A" in "Expires" column of accounts table to "Never"
- 3/4/2024
- Adjusted accounts table width
- Improved how justified content looks on small screens
- Renamed "Website Version" footer to "Page Version"
- Now formated as m/d/yyyy
- Will only be changed on pages that have been changed
- Will now highlight the corresponding changelog section
- 3/3/2024
- Added "Website Version" footer to most pages
- Formated as m/d/yyyy.[fact #]
- Added this page
- Added "Fact" section
- Will be changed occasionally
- Redesigned announcement banner
- Fixed the accounts table going off-screen on small screens
- Fixed the navigation bar links stacking on small screens
- Moved "Donate" button to be under accounts table
- Redesigned "Donate" button